New guide to enable manufacturers to adopt digital technologies for service provision

September 26, 2018

BSI, the business standards company, has published PAS 280, a new guide for manufacturers, support providers, owners and end users looking to implement “through-life engineering services”. A through-life engineering service integrates engineering, management and business activities across the whole lifecycle of a major asset to deliver a higher value outcome to the customer.

PAS 280: 2018 Through-life engineering services. Adding business value through a common framework. Guide was developed following a recommendation from the government’s Made Smart Review, an industry-led review exploring how UK manufacturing can maximize benefits from increasing adoption of digital technology.[1]

Improvements in efficiency, reliability and cost savings are among the benefits of an approach which considers the whole life cycle of an engineering project and the necessary support system to sustain it. Through-life engineering services represents a break from the traditional approach of delivering projects by integrating, rather than separating, the design, product, operation, maintenance and eventual disposal of an asset.

PAS 280 was sponsored by Innovate UK, with BAE systems, the MoD and Rolls Royce among the organizations involved in its development. The guide is applicable to organizations of all shapes and sizes, and provides the core framework, principles and associated vocabulary for a through-life engineering services approach to be implemented.

Dan Palmer, Head of Manufacturing at BSI, said: “From a small component supplier to a multinational conglomerate, PAS 280 will assist organizations looking to capitalize on the opportunities a through-life approach to engineering services offer. The guide also facilitates and promotes effective collaboration across the supply chain to maximize the value of an asset.”

PAS 280 was developed for both providers and users of major assets, with particular emphasis on thought-leaders who might influence UK national prosperity. Its publication is particularly timely given the shift in the industry towards the adoption of through-life engineering services, with users of assets increasingly opting to pay for safe, cost-effective and reliable performance, rather than owning products outright.

The following organizations were involved in the development of PAS 280 as members of the Steering group: Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI); Babcock; BAE Systems; Cambridge Service Alliance; Co-opted member; Cranfield University; HVMC; Innovate UK; Ministry of Defence; Rolls Royce; Si2 Partners.

More information on PAS 280 can be found here:

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